
30 January 2012

lagu style. MICHUDDE, :)


harini otak aku jatoh dalam jamban, sori yoo :'(

friend indeed :)

watcha say eh ??

28 January 2012

maaf :D

weh weh weh, tadi aku jumpa ayat ne ;

 doesn't mean we always wrong 
or another person is always right
it just means we do value our relationship 
more than ego

betul jugak kan, em, so aku nak mintak maaf sepanjang selebar y-axis plus x-axis
sebesar besar alam aku mintak maaf,
sepanjang kita kawan bagai, mesti ada yang terasa itu terasa ini kan, so halalkan je lah masing masing punya perangai tu eh, apa apa pun benda tu semua always remain dalam special place 
dekat memory box kita kan, hope so.

ada rezeki nanti kita jumpa lagi.
selalulah doakan kejayaan and kebahagiaan kita semua (:



21 January 2012

big clock tiktok

okay memang dah ramai dah kan nak masuk u sini, u sana, itu la ini laa, tinggal berapa kerat je la kan. haii, lek dulu rezeki orang laen laen, cewah. hah. betul lah kan (:

memanglah kawan ne boleh bertukar ganti pergi datang semua tapi kawan tetap kawan lah kan. wei kalau dah jumpa kawan baru life baru nyawa baru ke apa tak kisah, jangan lupa kita ; si capative ne. banyak sangat dah kenangan dengan korang memang bahagia tak terkata time tu. wei tak tipu, aku boleh hilang serabut kalau stay kat kelas layan korang punya perangai yang macam bumi tertukar dengan marikh je gaya.

aku rasa hari ne ada alien ketuk kepala aku kot dia jadi cam kiri kanan pun dah tak kenal
toodiaa bohong. lantaklah, tapi yang aku tau switch memory lane memang dari tadi dok on tak reti reti nak tutup sendiri. aint matter lah, bakteria baik ; BAHAGIANYA ZAMAN NE - BIG TIME

adoi kalau ikut hati memang banyak lagi aku nak tauk sini
pandai pandai la korang,
btw, jaga diri semua ((;

05 January 2012

quotes for y'all :)

# If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

There is a light at the end of every tunnel….just pray it’s not a train!.

As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.

Girls want a lot of things from one guy. Conversely, guys want one thing from a lot of girls.

Some say the glass is half full, some say the glass is half empty. I say “Are you gonna drink that?”

When I was born I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half.

It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

Never judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. By that time, they’ll be a mile away and barefoot.

# Everybody wishes they could go to heaven but no one wants to die.

Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you’re in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get.

Count your age with friends but not with years.

True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.
# Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.

# Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

01 January 2012

hidup tk sesedih itu selalu. baca dulu:(

One day a girl, Sara, who was fifteen years old, came home from school in a very bad mood. She'd had a fight with her best friend that day and it hadn't turned out well at all.
"Sara!" her mom yelled. "What are you doing? You know to do your chores right when you get home! And you're late!"
"Coming, Mom!" Sara yelled, getting up and stomping towards the kitchen. "What?" she snapped as her mother gave her a stern look, annoyed.
"You'd better straighten up your attitude, young lady," her mom warned, "or you'll be grounded."
"Whatever." Sara began to throw around the dishes in the sink, trying to make as much noise as she possibly could. A plate cracked and cut her hand. Sara cursed.
"Sara!" her mom exclaimed. "How dare you use that language! Go to your room!"
"No!" Sara yelled, throwing down the towel she was using to wipe the blood off her hand.
"Do you want to say 'no' one more time and see what happens?" her mom asked. She looked furious.
"Sure," Sara said sarcastically. "No."
"How dare you!" Her mother slapped her.
Sara shrank back, staring incredulously at her mom. She had never hit Sara before.
"I HATE YOU!" Sara screamed before running out of the house.
"Sara, get back here!" her mom yelled, running after her.
"Leave me alone!" Sara screamed, running across the street. "
I HATE YOU!" she screamed again. 

She continued running until she heard the sound of screeching tires and a scream. She turned around, hoping that it wouldn't be what she thought it would be....
People were crowding around Sara's mother, who was laying in the middle of the street, looking broken, bloody.
"NOOOO!" Sara screamed, running over and pushing through everyone to kneel by her mom. "Oh no, oh no...."
Her mom wasn't moving or breathing. She was gone. Sara tipped back her head and wailed to the sky, sobbing so hard it hurt.
She couldn't believe the last words she had spoken to her mother were "I hate you".
To everyone out there who tells your parents or friends you hate them, or any other rude thing, remember it might be the last thing you ever say to them.